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Monday, July 17, 2023

Kerala Lottery Results Today 18.07.2023 Sthree Sakthi SS-374 Result

Kerala State Lottery Ticket Result

Today Kerala Lottery Result; 18-07-2023

Sthree Sakthi Lottery No. SS-374

Kerala Lottery Sthree Sakthi is the lottery launched by the Kerala government for raising funds for the fulfillment of developments regarding the women empowering program. This reason is the base of the lottery name STHREE SAKTHI (which means women's power). Kerala lottery department decided to conduct the Sthree Sakthi lottery draw every Tuesday at 3 pm. Today Kerala lottery result is sthree Sakthi lottery result and the result will be published after the official announcement of the result.



Sthree Sakthi Lottery Result 18.07.2023

Sthree Sakthi SS 374 result will be published at 4.05 pm as same as on the official website. Also, there will be a live update for the first prize at 3.05 pm. Refer to the official site for further clarification. For instant updates please click on the refresh button.

LIVE Kerala Lottery Result Today

Date of Draw 18 07 2023
Sthree Sakthi Lottery Result (SS-374)
(Kerala samsthana bhagyakuri narukkedup phalam)

1st Prize Rs: 7,500,000/-
SN 940290 (VAIKKOM)
Agency No: K 5724
Consolation Prize Rs.8, 000/-
SO 940290  SP 940290
SR 940290  SS 940290
ST 940290  SU 940290
SV 940290  SW 940290
SX 940290  SY 940290  SZ 940290
2nd Prize Rs.1,000, 000/-
SY 182033 (KOTTAYAM)
Agency No: K 9319

For the tickets ending with the following numbers

3rd Prize Rs.5, 000/-
0072  0355  0544  1101  1499  2587  3291  3932  4407  4769  5198  5330  5335  6592  6838  7797  7878  9413
4th Prize Rs.2, 000/-
0579  1025  4190  4659  6869  7168  8083  9277  9383  9658
5th Prize Rs.1, 000/-
0593  0884  1261  1287  1488  1736  2874  3060  4083  4165  4629  4775  4826  5401  5921  6437  8138  8732  9096  9248
6th Prize Rs.500/-
0702  0948  1308  1419  1645  1818  1837  2223  2256  2339  2378  2544  2560  2764  2903  3262  3392  3403  4315  4561  4691  4692  4860  4909  5215  5477  5657  5740  5838  5891  5907  6250  6284  6320  6726  6972  7052  7277  7300  7350  7905  8043  8089  8144  8222  8450  8500  8760  8826  9164  9373  9464
7th Prize Rs.200/-
0207  0400  0659  1289  1438  1490  1864  1910  1950  2499  2515  2538  2577  2706  2940  3039  3289  3343  3793  3826  3833  4244  4472  4657  4730  4875  4957  5013  5255  6413  6625  6794  6930  7283  7478  7691  7727  8196  8247  8286  8626  8674  9495  9975  9998
8th Prize Rs.100/-
0005  0013  0095  0231  0336  0397  0417  0418  0501  0507  0537  0557  0594  0595  0929  0959  1011  1133  1249  1253  1305  1432  1487  1628  1630  1729  1749  1804  1832  1845  2008  2020  2119  2216  2234  2266  2300  2445  2446  2536  2547  2669  2771  2790  2876  2915  2944  3095  3200  3253  3290  3700  4008  4194  4223  4371  4711  4785  4879  4914  4924  4972  5059  5217  5388  5422  5430  5441  5548  5700  5869  5900  5978  6122  6227  6246  6253  6432  6543  6579  6583  6645  6810  6816  6900  6923  7003  7093  7130  7149  7178  7267  7295  7340  7375  7674  7793  7842  7847  7860  7862  7922  7982  7989  8069  8175  8185  8277  8315  8364  8423  8431  8680  8691  8766  8956  9042  9075  9117  9197  9220  9350  9593  9669  9778  9874

The prize winners are advised to verify the winning numbers with the results published in the Kerala Government Gazette and surrender the winning tickets within 30 days.

Official Sthree Sakthi Lottery SS 374 Results PDF





Next Sthree Sakthi Lottery SS 374 Draw on 18-07-2023 At Gorkhi Bhavan Near Bakery Junction Thiruvananthapuram

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How much is the first prize of the Sthree Sakthi SS-374?
    Sthree Sakthi Lottery SS 374 ticket first prize winner got an amount of 75 lakhs rupees. 30% of the amount will be deducted as tax. 

2. How to check the result of Sthree Sakthi result today 18-0-2023?
    Log on to the home page of keralalottery.info. Click on the link on the navigation menu or click the results link on the home page or you can find the link on the table.

3. When will the result of ss374 be updated?
    The live result will start at 3pm.

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