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Thursday, January 19, 2023

Nagaland Lottery Result 20-01-2023 Dear Vulture Evening Friday Today 8 PM

Nagaland State Lottery Results

Today Nagaland Weekly Lottery Result; 20-01-2023

Dear Eagle Evening Wednesday Weekly Lottery 212th Draw

Nagaland lottery result today is Dear Vulture Evening Friday lottery 212th result. Dear lottery Vulture Evening Friday 212th draw will be conducted on 20.01.2023 Friday at 8 pm. Dear Vulture Evening Friday Weekly Lottery result draw is conducted every Friday by the Nagaland lottery department. The result of the Dear Vulture Evening Friday Weekly Lottery lottery will be published here as soon as possible. Ticket cost ₹ 6/- only.

Dear Vulture Evening Friday Lottery Result 20/01/2023

www.keralalottery.info is the site that provides a genuine results at a sharp time. This website is just for the promotion of the Lottery Results in India. Today Dear lottery result is entered below. 

LIVE Dear Lottery Result Today

Date of Draw 20 01 2023
Dear Vulture Evening Friday Weekly Lottery Result (212th Draw)
(Nagaland State Lottery Results)

1st Prize Rs.1,00,00,000/- (₹ 1 Crore/-)
81L 15023
(Including Super Prize Amt)
Consolation Prize Rs.1,000/-

2nd Prize Rs.9,000/- 
12118  13409  20643  23059  28342  32251  34147  37099  38504  52781
3rd Prize Rs.450/-
2893  2979  5578  5666  5705  5706  6978  7258  8156  9639
4th Prize Rs.250/-
0485  0568  1376  2085  2472  4430  5153  5769  6508  9766

5th Prize Rs.120/-
0006  0053  0060  0279  0348  0489  0559  0761  0770  0782  1009  1039  1076  1109  1135  1354  1362  1620  1661  2000  2025  2358  2389  2420  2516  2613  2670  2845  3011  3225  3465  3547  3557  3563  3600  3629  3857  3942  3950  4119  4301  4456  4460  4491  4660  4673  4741  4916  4944  5105  5257  5407  5424  5708  5717  5758  5783  5853  5968  6041  6082  6087  6298  6320  6328  6347  6365  6480  6665  6773  6801  6865  6967  7036  7147  7191  7390  7489  7525  7594  7706  7798  7975  7986  8078  8261  8272  8358  8512  8526  8551  8603  8630  8858  8953  9163  9203  9529  9537  9695


Official Dear Vulture Evening Friday Weekly Lottery 212th Results PDF

1st Prize ₹1 Crore- 81L 15023 (Including Super Prize Amt)  Cons.Prize ` 1000- 15023 (REMAINING ALL SERIALS) 2nd Prize ₹9000- 12118 13409 20643 23059 28342 32251 34147 37099 38504 52781 3rd Prize ₹450- 2893 2979 5578 5666 5705 5706 6978 7258 8156 9639 4th Prize ₹250- 0485 0568 1376 2085 2472 4430 5153 5769 6508 9766 5th Prize ₹120-  0006 1009 2025 3465 4301 5257 6082 6801 7706 8551  0053 1039 2358 3547 4456 5407 6087 6865 7798 8603  0060 1076 2389 3557 4460 5424 6298 6967 7975 8630  0279 1109 2420 3563 4491 5708 6320 7036 7986 8858  0348 1135 2516 3600 4660 5717 6328 7147 8078 8953  0489 1354 2613 3629 4673 5758 6347 7191 8261 9163  0559 1362 2670 3857 4741 5783 6365 7390 8272 9203  0761 1620 2845 3942 4916 5853 6480 7489 8358 9529  0770 1661 3011 3950 4944 5968 6665 7525 8512 9537  0782 2000 3225 4119 5105 6041 6773 7594 8526 9695

👉 Previous Dear Vulture Evening Friday Weekly Lottery Results

Next Dear Eagle Evening Wednesday Weekly Lottery 213th Draw date will be held on 27.01.2023.

Frequently Asked Questions about Nagaland Lottery

1. How much is the first prize of the Dear Vulture Evening Friday Weekly Lottery?
 Dear Vulture Evening Friday Weekly Lottery ticket first prize winner got an amount of ₹ 1 Crore.
 2. How to check the result of the Dear Vulture Evening Friday Weekly Lottery result today 20-01-2023?
Log on to the home page of keralalottery.info. Click on the link on the navigation menu or click the results link on the home page or you can find the link on the table.
 3. When will the result of the Dear Vulture Evening Friday Weekly Lottery update?
The live result will start at 8pm.

Previous Lottery Results

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